Our School Diary 

This is used by all pupils to record homework, monthly attendance figures, assessment tracking, receive comments from teachers, and record reasons for absence. This is used as a direct line of communication between home and school. The diary will be monitored regularly by form teachers and year heads. Parents/Carers are expected to sign this on a weekly basis. 

Our App

Our App can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the Apple App store. All school notifications, attendance figures and pupil reports will be posted via the app. The SIMS Parent app works to effectively bridge the parent-teacher-student communication gap, improving academic achievement and supporting student wellbeing.

Parent/Teacher Meetings 

This is a short meeting between the parents/carers and teachers of students to discuss a child’s progress at school. These can take the format of a face to face meeting, phone call or virtual call/meeting. 

Our Social Media Pages

We have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube presence. We use these platforms to ensure that our school community is informed about important notifications, events and promote the achievements of our pupils.